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Welcome to North Carolina Ports

Priority Daily Message  

Winter Weather Notice - Wednesday, Jan. 22nd update
North Carolina Ports continues to monitor winter weather conditions.

Due to conditions this morning, the gates at both the Port of Wilmington and Port of Morehead City will remain closed today, January 22.
We plan to open for normal operations in Wilmington and Morehead City at 1:00 PM on Thursday, January 23.

The Charlotte Inland Port remains on a normal operating schedule.

Please contact NC Ports Customer Service at 1-800-334-0682 or customerservice@ncports.com with any questions.


Welcome to NC Ports Customer Access Portal (CAP) for your visibility into NC Ports Container Operation!

Our goal is to continue to deliver the best possible service and the fastest turn-times on the East Coast. The trucking community is valued partner and we want to ensure this transition is as seamless as possible.

If you haven’t had a chance, please review our short instructional video detailing the process changes for entering/exiting the new SouthgateAs a review, there are 4 major changes in the process for accessing the terminal:    

  1. All drivers need to purchase an RFID tag prior to accessing the new south gate. These tags can be purchased and registered on the CAP. Instructional videos are available on the dashboard.                                                            
  2. All hazard boxes MUST have a pre-advice created and documents uploaded in the CAP prior to arrival at the Southgate.                                                      
  3. All trucks must pass through the outbound OCR portal and out-gate lanes. Drivers will no longer be allowed to use the bypass outbound lane for any reason.                                 
  4. Dual moves for transactions with different chassis owners are no longer permissible.

Welcome to North Carolina Ports

North Carolina Ports’ business-oriented mindset is built on our core values: safety, people, integrity, service and teamwork. These standards are the driving force for our mission to be a gateway to global markets and enhance the economy of the state. We strive to be the preferred East Coast port by providing quality service and utilizing the latest equipment and technology.

NC Ports is committed to providing each customer with professional and seamless service, while consistently striving to improve and prepare for the future.

To learn more about NC Ports, please visit www.ncports.com.

General Information

Container Gate (South Gate)

Address: 1 Shipyard Boulevard, Wilmington, NC 28401

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday upon request

Contact information:

General Cargo Gate (North Gate)

All non-containerized truck traffic should utilize the North Gate during normal operating hours. Outside of normal operating hours the South Gate will be open to all traffic for terminal access.

Hours of Operation:

  • General Cargo Security Gate: Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Cargo Control Gate Office (steel, lumber, etc.): Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • General Cargo (paper, pulp, etc.): Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Contact information:

Chassis Yard

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Customs(910) 772-5900

Visitor information: 

Only individuals with a valid TWIC security card can gain direct access to the terminal. Visitors arriving at the gate without proper ID must visit the Badging Office at 2508 Burnett Boulevard.

Truck drivers without a TWIC must arrange with CROWN TWIC escorting 1 hour before arriving, call 912-226-5945. MAP

2024 Container Gate Holiday Schedule

Port of Wilmington South Gate 

Holiday Date Day Gate Status  Comments 
New Years Day 24' 1-Jan Monday  Closed  ILA NO WORK 
MLK 15-Jan Monday  Open    
Presidents Day 20-Feb Monday  Open    
Good Friday  29-Mar Friday Reduced Gate Hours 0800-1200 / 1300 -1700  
Memorial Day 27-May Monday  Closed  
Independence Day 4-Jul Thursday  Closed ILA NO WORK 
Labor Day 2-Sep Monday  Closed ILA NO WORK
Veterans Day 11-Nov Monday  Open    
Thanksgiving  28-Nov Thursday Closed  
Day After Thanksgiving 29-Nov Friday Open    
Christmas Eve 24-Dec Tuesday  Closed  
Christmas Day 25-Dec Wednesday Closed ILA NO WORK 
New Years Eve  31-Dec Tuesday  Reduced Gate Hours 0800-1200 / 1300 -1700  
New Years Day 25'  1-Jan Wednesday  Closed 



**Subject to change** 

RFID Tag Purchase/Mounting Instructions

Please use following user guide for RFID purchase

RFID Tag Purchasing Instructions.pdf

To purchase RFID Tags, please use the following link.


RFID Tag Mounting Guide


Important Links

Vessel Schedule


Berth Application



Container Yard Safety/Location/Traffic Flow  Map (*new 12/7/23)

Yard Safety Map


Hazardous Documentation

All trucking companies should log into their CAP account to create pre-advise and upload HAZ documentation.

This link should only be used for Ocean Carrier uploads or when the driver has been sent to trouble for not having pre-advice/docs uploaded prior to arrival at the gate. 

Export Fumigation

Export Fumigation Process Changes at Port of Wilmington -
Effective 8/15/2022

Fumigation Customer Overview

Refund Requests

Online payments are now available on CAP.

In the event a refund is needed, please send your request to Laura.Courtney@ncports.com for review.